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Benefits of space-time diversity for radar

主讲人 :Francois Le Chevalier教授,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 地点 :科研楼624房间 开始时间 : 2018-10-23 10:00 结束时间 : 2018-10-23 11:00


 应网络技术研究院景晓军教授邀请,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Francois Le Chevalier教授将于20181023日来北邮作学术报告。欢迎有兴趣的师生踊跃参与。


题目:Benefits of space-time diversity for radar

主讲人:Francois Le Chevalier教授,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学





François Le Chevalier is Professor at Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, and Vice President, Chief Scientist of Thales, Land & Air Systems. A French pioneer in adaptive digital beamforming and STAP radar systems demonstrations, his current research activities include space-time coding for active antenna systems, and wideband unambiguous radar systems. Prof. Le Chevalier has been active in, or chairing, the Technical Program Committees of most IEEE International Radar Conferences in this century, and will be the Honorary Chair of SEE/IEEE International Radar Conference in France, Radar 2019.

He is an author of many papers, tutorials, and patents in radar and electronic warfare, author of a book Radar and Sonar Signal Processing Principles (Artech House, 2002), editor of Non-Standard Antennas (Wiley, 2010), co-author of Waveform Design and Diversity for Advanced Radar Systems (Chapter 13) (IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation series, 2012), co-author of Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced Techniques (Chapter 11) (Scitech, IET Publishing, 2012), and co-author of Advanced Ultrawideband Radar: Signals, Targets, and Applications (Chapter 12) (CRC Press, December 2016).



When designing a new radar system, standard resolution trade-offs play a major role, providing the basic parameters of the radar, such as size, update rate, and range. Besides, diversity has long been used for mitigating fading effects due to the fluctuation of targets and clutter.

However, with the arrival of more flexible systems, using multiple parallel channels on transmit and receive, and wider instantaneous bandwidths, these standard trade-offs are becoming less simple and more flexible. For example, resolution in velocity becomes dependent on the bandwidth, or diversity gains depend on range resolution. This is especially true for MIMO systems, using multiple simultaneous transmissions, or for wideband radar waveforms, and can lead to significant benefits for detection of moving targets.

In this communication, we will analyze the relations between range, Doppler, and angle, including multiple simultaneous transmissions, or MIMO, and wideband waveforms   , for detection and location of moving targets. The idea is to contribute to a better understanding of the real benefits of agile transmissions for detection/localization of moving targets, focusing not only on waveform aspects, but also on the velocity and angular measurement improvements, and on the benefits in terms of power budget, and clutter cancellation.





