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校庆系列讲座通知:Towards Cyber Attacks Mitigation

主讲人 :Zonghua Zhang(Assistant Prof.,Institut Mines-Télécom, France) 地点 :新科研楼1209 开始时间 : 2015-07-08 15:30 结束时间 :

报告题目: Towards Cyber Attacks Mitigation: from Cost-effective Security Hardening to Autonomic Cyberdefense

报告人: Zonghua Zhang(Assistant Prof.,Institut Mines-Télécom, France)





地点: 新科研楼1209


Instead of preventing attacks from occurrence, which is largely recognized to be mission impossible in practice, attack mitigation generally aims at lessening the impact of, if not completely ceasing, an inevitable attack based on its early detection. In other words, attack mitigation mechanisms need to ensure that the performance of network functions or services will be maintained at a satisfactory level despite the ongoing attacks. This talk is intended to share our experiences and lessons learned from the design of attacks mitigation mechanisms in different types of networks such as enterprise networks, wireless ad hoc networks, and software defined networking (SDN). Specifically, in enterprise networks, we show how the legacy security mechanisms like attack graph can be bridged with organization level security metrics to aid security administrators in taking cost-effective countermeasures. Also, we will illustrate the potential of SDN to fundamentally reshape the landscape of today’s defense mechanisms.



