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网络编码、Cooperative Network Operation Design for Mobility-aware Cloud Radio Access Network

主讲人 :符方伟教授、王方刚教授 地点 :新科研楼1209 开始时间 : 2018-06-26 15:00 结束时间 : 2018-06-26 17:00








Ultra-dense small cells operating in a cooperative manner, such as cloud radio access network (C-RAN), have been introduced to serve the numerous mobile devices in the next generation wireless networks. One of the major challenges in efficiently operating C-RAN in a cooperative manner is the excessive overhead signaling and computation load, such as downlink channel state information (CSI) acquisition at the cloud for cooperative downlink transmission, that scale rapidly with the size of the network. In this paper, the exploitation of mobility information of devices is proposed to address the challenge of efficiently operating C-RAN. We introduce a mobility-assisted CSI acquisition method to complement conventional pilot-based CSI acquisition methods. This method enables C-RAN to avoid excessive overhead signaling. A low-complexity algorithm is designed to maximize the sum rate of all devices subject to the limits of backhaul capacity and base station (BS) transmit power. An adaptive algorithm has also been proposed to improve the robustness against channel uncertainty. Both theoretical and numerical analyses show that the exploitation of mobility information provides a new dimension to improve conventional transmission schemes for next-generation massive cooperative networks.



王方刚于2005年和2010年分别获得澳门太阳集团9728网站通信工程学士学位、信号与信息处理专业博士学位。现为北京交通大学轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室教授,曾于2008-2010年访问美国哥伦比亚大学,于2010-2012年任香港中文大学博士后,于2015-2016年访问麻省理工学院等。申请人主要从事无线通信领域的研究,包括信号识别技术、无线网络编码、5G移动通信系统及物联网等,已在国内外公开发表SCI期刊论文20余篇,EI会议文章40余篇。曾参与多项国家自然科学基金,包括重点、面上及青年项目,教育部重大项目,发改委、铁路总公司项目,及产业合作项目等。现为IEEE高级会员,担任IEEE Communications Letters等期刊编委,及若干IEEE会议TPC主席及成员。       
