李硕彦教授 (9:30-10:30)
个人简介:李硕彦现任电子科技大学特聘讲座教授 (Distinguished University Professor)。他创立网络编码理论 (Network coding theory)、代数交换理论 (Algebraic switching theory) 以及模式鞅 (Martingales of patterns)。其专长可以概括为 「数学与工程的对话」。2017年新着 「似是而非的概率」 提倡《科教文艺》, 将令人望而生畏的数理科目融入易懂难忘的文艺,用以激发青少年的科学领悟。李教授于1974年获UC Berkeley 数学PhD。1974-79 年先后任教于 M.I.T. 与 UI Chicago。其后十年于 Bell Labs/Bellcore 研究交换系统以及通信与计算理论。 1989-2014 年任香港中文大学信息工程讲座教授,曾兼任网络编码研究所所长与数学礼任教授。李教授同时也是西安电子科技大学、哈尔滨工程大学、电子科技大学、西南交通大学、厦门大学诸校的终身名誉教授、香港中文大学荣休讲座教授、中国教育部创新引智“111计划”高等智能与网络服务基地的学术大师。早年曾受聘为国立清华大学荣誉讲座教授、 北京大学深圳研究生院特聘教授、澳门太阳集团9728网站顾问教授。曾获得中国电子学会2017海外杰出华人科学家奖, IEEE 2016 Sumner Award、IEEE信息论学会 2005年度论文奖、 四次台湾工研院 (ITRI) 优质专利奖。目前拥有33项美国专利,和7项中国专利。
报告内容简介:Topic: Intuition in Applications of Network Coding
Network coding (NC) brings a paradigm shift in the data transport mode from the traditional store-and-forward. The linear-algebraic theory of NC structures data units as a finite field, and the fundamental theorem guarantees the best possible throughput. Linearity makes the hardware/software implementation feasibly fast for practical applications, including wireless communications, redundant storage, P2P content delivery, IC layout, security, optical communications, sensor networks, etc. All these applications are under different contexts. Luckily the Butterfly Network provides an example that is comprehensible to people in all walks of life and, at the same time, is generalizable into elegant mathematics. The wide applicability of NC has generated interest in multi-disciplinary research among computer science, information/coding theory, matrix theory, networking, operations research, ASIC, and switching. Since 2003, the NC literature has grown explosively to the size of about 10,000.
个人简介:王方刚于2005年和2010年分别获得澳门太阳集团9728网站通信工程学士学位、信号与信息处理专业博士学位。现为北京交通大学轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室教授,曾于2008-2010年访问美国哥伦比亚大学,于2010-2012年任香港中文大学博士后,于2015-2016年访问麻省理工学院等。申请人主要从事无线通信领域的研究,包括信号识别技术、无线网络编码、5G移动通信系统及物联网等,已在国内外公开发表SCI期刊论文20余篇,EI会议文章40余篇。曾参与多项国家自然科学基金,包括重点、面上及青年项目,教育部重大项目,发改委、铁路总公司项目,及产业合作项目等。现为IEEE高级会员,担任IEEE Communications Letters等期刊编委,及若干IEEE会议TPC主席及成员。
报告内容简介:Topic: Signal Identification for Spectrum Sharing
With the advent of the mobile internet and internet of things, the spectrum scarcity and the wireless network security has become a main challenge of the fifth generation mobile communication system and its beyond due to the explosive growth of devices and traffic. In this talk, we consider the techniques including the modulation classification and specific emitter identification, and investigates the intelligent spectrum access and sharing schemes and secure transmission strategies. Existing literature on signal identification focuses on the ideal scenarios, which lacks of the investigations on realistic conditions such as the complicated channels, multiuser and non-ideal receptions. We analyze and model the mechanisms of the identification features, and further propose the feature extraction and classification algorithms with high accuracy and robustness, by using the machine learning.
个人简介:孙奇福自博士阶段起长期从事信息论与网络编码理论研究,在Proc. IEEE, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文20多篇,近五年承担网络编码相关国家自然科学基金项目3项,承担横向项目2项,获授权发明专利一项。曾获得北京市科学技术三等奖(排名第三),中国电子学会信息论学术年会最佳报告奖。
We study a class of linear network coding (LNC) schemes, called circular-shift LNC, whose encoding operations at intermediate nodes consist of only circular-shifts and bit-wise addition (XOR). Departing from existing literature, we systematically formulate circular-shift LNC as a special type of vector LNC, where the local encoding kernels consist of cyclic permutation matrices. Under this new framework, we shall briefly introduce its intrinsic connection of conventional scalar LNC and how to efficiently construct the circular-shift LNC schemes with low encoding and decoding complexities.