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Numerical Computation of derivatives - an Introduction

主讲人 :Dr. Miao Pan 地点 :教三811 开始时间 : 2018-07-25 10:00 结束时间 : 2018-07-25 11:30


Dr. Michael Winckler is the Administrative Director of HGS MathComp. He is in charge of the Coordination Office ensures that the HGS MathComp is managed effectively. He is head of the coordination office under the supervision of the Executive Committee. The HGS MathComp administration is supported by the administrative staff of the  说明: http://www.mathcomp.uni-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/Redakteure/Grafiken/external_link_icon.png IWR and cooperates with the Heidelberg Graduate Academy.

Supporting the coordinators in all issues regarding the administration of the graduate school, he is responsible for scholarship programs, curriculum and course planning, visiting program and guest talks, organization of workshops and events.

His research interest includes Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Mechanical Systems, Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage, Computer Graphics.




The computation of derivatives of functions is a standard task in numerical analysis. Starting from analytical methods and their implementation, we will also investigate the computation of robust and high-accuracy derivatives of functions which are realized only as computer source code. This situation often arises when dealing with third party code eg. from industrial project partners. Finally, the computation of derivatives across dynamical models will be discussed, relating the general problem to the more specific task of computing the derivative of the numerical solution of initial value problems with respect to system parameters and initial values. Applications of these techniques are found in the numerical optimization of processes modeled by ordinary differential equations (ODE) and the solution of boundary value problems for ODE models.






